Cancerslug Cancerslug - Funeral Procession

Yes I walk with death
Feel it's cold dark stare
Everything you fear
I can take you there
Ribs that tear through lungs
Skulls that snap and break
What begins must end
Life is mine to take
(I'm gonna take it)

Eyes of black now glow
Teeth will soon sink in
Brave enough to live past the prime of man
I will rip right through and embrace this pain
Death she follows me, for I know her name
(I fucking know it)

And at night my lady comforts me
Wraps me tightly in the grip of her wings
Let the world collapse, it never meant a thing
As she sinks her teeth into my heart and enters me

And is it ever enough?
No it is never enough
And is it ever enough?
No it is not

And is it ever enough?
No it is never enough
And is it ever enough?
No it is not

See the red sun rise
Eclipsed by the moon
Feel the earths last gasp
And embrace your doom